Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition Butter Alive

Divinity: Original Sin II is a vast open-world experience in which you traverse through the world as a person with many challenges that cause people to discriminate, whether it be that you have magic, are a thief (which some people disagree with, strange that) or a walking skeleton. Your goal is to escape captivity and hone your abilities as the world grows colder.

But that cannot be done without some love along the way, amirite folks? In Divinity: Original Sin II you may find yourself flirting with a companion here and there... Or maybe not. But the important thing is that you can! Here is a list of all the romanceable options in the game in case you find yourself lonely on your challenging adventure.

Updated by Juliet Childers on November 11th, 2020: Larian captured lightning in a bottle with Divinity Original Sin II. Though in the throes of Baldur's Gate 3 development, the studio still regularly has fans connect with them about Original Sin II characters. Though the game has many romance options, some fans just aren't satisfied.

14 CAN: Lohse

Lohse is part of the video game red-headed-girl gang. With her quirky, upbeat personality she is adorable in her own ways. Although, she deeply struggles with a dark passenger that differs from the one say Dexter might possess. Hers is an almighty arch-demon named Adrahmalihk. Perfectly normal. It's fine. Right?

If players want a romance with a lighter personality and a huge dash of daring, Lohse is the best girl for them. Together, they can conquer Lohse's demon passenger.

13 CAN'T: The Doctor

Lohse's storyline can be wholly empowering or endlessly heartbreaking. The person who makes that all possible is "The Doctor" a.k.a. the demon lord Adrahmalihk. He can be found in Arx, but the player encounters his Advocate on Blood Moon Isle, as well.

He is truly evil, collecting souls to gain power, and ultimately wants to control whoever becomes Divine. A player character can make a deal with him to share Divinity, but that's not enough. Look at that writhing mass of terrible monstrosity!

Players should have the option of romancing or at least knocking boots with The Doctor. After all, other characters in the franchise have lain with demons.

12 CAN: Sebille

Yes, she may have tried to kill you at first glance but that's just her spicy personality. Some people are hard nuts to crack and have an instant wall up when meeting new people, as they could have trust issues or... Just be kinda crazy, to be honest.

Once you break through her hard shell though, you see the dominant yet vulnerable woman inside. Sebille is for people who like a stronger woman who isn't afraid to say or do anything.

11 CAN'T: The Shadow Prince

Sebille sticks out as one of the most treasured characters across any of Larian's games. Her story is epic, but some players just want to be bad. As such, it would be nice if players had the option to romance or at least flirt with the big bad of Sebille's story: the Shadow Prince.

This could also play into the Red Prince's story if the player had romanced him previously. Think of the drama of two competing lizard lovers and a ferocious Sebille trying to kill the player character for betraying her. File this under "missed opportunity" for Larian.

10 CAN: Ifan

The strong, lone-wolf type, Ifan is another main companion and can be romanced. He's a middle-aged, scruffy dude who is the definition of an egg. That is to say: he has a hard shell and a big gooey interior.

RELATED: How To Find Every Companion In Divinity: Original Sin 2

But Ifan isn't the average stoic-type. He grew up amongst elves and hides a dark secret in relation to that past. Ifan is a warrior who is dependable, capable, and intelligent and he offers a romance to match.

9 CAN'T: Almira

A bit of a secret character, Almira can be found in Paradise Downs with her lover/thrall. She's a succubus which means she can enthrall people (make them fall in love with her) and use them to do her bidding. But she promises not to use this ability on the player.

However, the player cannot push their relationship past that of quest giver, merchant, and NPC. Despite her lover/thrall being in tow, it would have been interesting if the player could court her. After all, just think of the possibilities.

8 CAN: Red Prince

Another of the main cast of characters, the Red Prince can be bristling, to say the least. His royal (read: uppity and controlling) demeanor is off-putting. But for characters playing a Noble Lizard, romancing a person who is basically a living legend might be a treat. There's just one problem: Sadha.

By destiny, the Red Prince HAS to marry and lay with Sadha to birth dragons. While this is initially a problem, all the player has to do is let the Red Prince lay with her. She'll then reveal that she is Sworn and, with high enough approval, the player can get the Red Prince to kill her. Problem solved.

7 CAN'T: Jahan

The Red Prince wasn't the only one who got in trouble for laying with demons. Though players meet Jahan as a demon hunter in Original Sin II, the character appears in Original Sin I, too. Except he's an exiled prince who was tricked by a demon out of love, fortune, and title.

Though the character can recruit Jahan and have him travel with them to Arx, that's basically where it ends. At no point during any conversation can the player character "put on the moves". It's unfortunate because this was an opportunity for Larian to intersperse lore from the previous game for new players.

6 CAN: Beast

Though Beast is a dwarf and named Beast, he seems to be one of the most standard romances. This isn't a bad thing, as some people prefer a normal romantic partner instead of someone who is unpredictable or too much to handle.

For players looking for a romantic at heart, Beast is the one to pick. He is just a regular guy trying to do the right thing and live without death and anguish for once.

5 CAN'T: Malady

This particular character is with the player throughout the entire game yet they can't romance her! Being that she is with the team through thick and thin and has her own quirks, there are definitely people out there who would have romanced her in a heartbeat.

Malady is a charismatic, smooth-tongued lady that offers her help to the player and seems only slightly irritated by the party. Once she warms up, she exudes a Morrigan from Dragon Age vibe that appeals to many players.

4 CAN: Butter

After beating the game, many players found themselves asking, "Butter, my love, where have you gone?"

Anyone who's spoken to Butter at the beginning of the game at Fort Joy might have accidentally gotten her to fall in love with them. Or may have accidentally fallen in love with her...

Essentially, Butter immediately grows fond of the player character, whoever they may be playing. She promises to meet up later on so she and the player can run away together and wed. Unfortunately, this "romance" is very shallow and ultimately devastating.

Plenty of Butter fans were left wanting more, but only find a corpse on the outskirts of Arx near a shipwreck.

3 CAN'T: The Narrator

Come on -- everyone is thinking about it. The narrator has a smooth, British voice with a sassy personality and it is everywhere. Constantly humming lore and story to us, the Narrator also often speaks for our romanced lovers.

The well respected, talented Narrator is surely someone players wish they could romance in the game. The buttery voice may tell us sweet nothings or dreadful things, but it sounds nice all the same.

2 CAN: Fane

The player and Fane can knock boots even before reaching Fort Joy. But what can start as an illicit affair can result in the player realizing Fane is altogether endearing. His romance is a relationship that deals with stepping into someone else's shoes and looking at what a partner needs, rather than just thinking about what the player wants.

Being that Fane is, well, a walking skeleton, he has a hard time feeling anything at all. His romance scene feels more intimate as a result of this physical limitation. Plus, if the player character is also undead, that raises many logistical questions.

1 CAN'T: Gareth

Gareth is a leader and a fighter who works alongside the group in the main story for a while. Gareth is an emotional man who wants to set straight any unearthly and unjust matters. He is stalwart and stubborn and, though prone to bouts of moodiness, can be a little cinnamon roll all the same.

He is the type to do what he thinks has to be done and that's the end of it. Enticing due to his authoritative nature and his belief in equality, his passion appeals to many players. Given that the player character can also talk to his mom and dad's spirits, it's a bit odd that Larian didn't account for any romance options with Gareth.

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About The Author

Sharnelle Earle (240 Articles Published)

Sharnelle is a small town Canadian writer and gamer with an interest in all things fashion and fantasy. She dabbles in writings from articles to screenplays and spends most of her time drinking tea and playing video games.

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Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition Butter Alive

Source: https://www.thegamer.com/divinity-original-sin-2-characters-can-romancey-wish-could/


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